FSN Execution Framework (FEF)
The FSN Execution Framework, or FEF, is a method to support strategy development, prioritisation, meticulous planning and disciplined execution and follow-up.

Value Creation Process

The FSN Execution Framework (FEF) is FSN’s repeatable model for value creation during the ownership period. To generate returns for our ultimate clients, we drive systematic transformation through FEF.
The core of FEF is the FEF Strategy Process, which is a structured approach to strategy development that supports the underwritten ROI targets by translating it into clear prioritized goals, smart processes, and detailed actions. By implementing FEF, companies build a high-quality winning strategy, define what capabilities they need to build to deliver on it, develop a detailed plan for how to do so, with clear responsibilities and a disciplined follow-up structure.
The FEF Strategy Process is repeated every year as part of the FEF Annual Wheel. This annual cycle strengthens the company’s ability to be agile, concise, focused, and structured in its approach to strategy – it builds structural capital.
It’s the portfolio companies that do the job and win. We’re providing them with a toolbox and methodology that can support them in reaching their own goals.”
— Knut Røsjorde,
Partner, CFO and Head of FEF
FSN Capital
It’s not simply about strategy. You need to focus on doing the right things at the right time. The FSN Execution Framework supports you in the tough process of prioritization.”
— Bo Rygaard,
Chairperson of Optigroup
FSN Executive Advisor
FEF reflects good management principles, from A to Z.”